I, being either the participant or the parent/guardian of a participant, acknowledge and understand that (a) each person, me/my children included has a different capacity for participating in activities such as those that are subject of this registration and are offered by Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc., (b) there may be inherent risks associated with participating in the activities including all manners of injury, the failure of equipment and the carelessness of other participants and misjudgments on the part of the instructor and (c) there is a possibility of being photographed for use in promotional materials.
I agree to participate/permit my children to participate in the activities and willingly assume full responsibility, and any risks of injury, for myself/my children in connection with my/my child’s participation in the activities at any location where these activities may be held. I give permission to Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc. to photograph/video me and my child(ren) and use such photograph(s)/video(s) in all forms of media, for any and all promotional purposes including advertising, display, audiovisual, exhibition or editorial use. I further consent to the use of my name in connection with the photograph(s)/video(s) if needed by Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc. I understand and agree that I, and my child(ren) will not receive any payment for my time or expenses or any royalty for the publication of the photograph(s)/video(s) or the use of my name and I hereby release Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc. from any such claims.
I acknowledge that all videos are for single customer use only. No part of the Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc. fitness program may be copied, shared, or changed in any format, or sold, under any circumstances. Purchased subscriptions are strictly for personal use. Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc. videos are prohibited from being shared via any digital or physical medium. File sharing is strictly prohibited. Any person who shares any aforementioned membership will have their membership immediately canceled without a refund.
I on behalf of myself, my children and my heirs, next of kin, administrators and assigns agree to waive all claims that I/my children may have or may have in the future against Love Your Body Fitness Company Inc. and release and forever discharge the releases from all liability for any personal injury, death, property damage or other loss and liabilities of whatsoever nature or kind arising out of or in any way connected with my/my child’s participation.
I confirm that I have had sufficient time to read and understand each item of the waiver and consent in its entirety and agree to be bound by its terms freely and voluntarily.
Purchase Policy:
By clicking "Place Order" you confirm you have read and accepted our terms and conditions. Return / Refund: No refunds or exchanges.